Heater Core

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Wed Dec 6 12:18:41 EST 2006

I agree with what has been posted already, but would
say that I found it
to be a  PITA because it's fiddly as opposed to
mind-meltingly complicated.

things that i wished that i had known before starting,
thereby avoiding
a 'mid job' run to the hardware store:
1. the seal between the heater core and the inside of
the box is made
with foam that didn't come with the new heater core.
some half inch foam/adhesive backed draft excluder
strip will  be
required. Also the seal between the heater box and the
hole in the
firewall is the same kind of foam, but will
disintegrate when you pull
the heater box out. so get enough draft excluder to go
around the heater
core  2 or 3 times (big gap so 2 should be ok, but be
safe) and also
around the aperture. 3-4 metres should be ok (hey,
it's cheap).
the glue on the draft excluder may smell a bit for a
few days, as it
cooks, but the odour goes away.

2. the heater box aperture, where the heater core
water pipes stick out,
is sealed with some rubbery glue. you will need some
silicone sealant or
something in a gun in order to reseal this.

3. try not to disconnect the single, red electrical
connector in behind
the console cover in the passenger foot-well. this is
for the airbag and
you will maybe end up with an airbag light on if you
if it is entwined in the multi-coloured vac lines, try
to disconnect
them first.

as others have said, do the blower motor at the same
time unless you are
on a very tight budget and have lots of spare time to
pull the blower
box apart in a couple of weeks when Sod's / Murphy's
law kicks in

hope that helps


Paul Luevano wrote:
> Well damn.  I think the heater core just let go in
my car.  Driving along,
> all of a sudden a pop, then insta fog.  Couldn't see
a thing.  At the same
> time, my right foot gets wet, and very hot.
> Got the car flat bedded home, now need to decide if
this is something I
> want to tackle myself, in the 30 degree northeast
weather, outside in my
> driveway, or bite the bullet, and take it to a shop.
 Just how much of a
> PITA is this job?  And other than the heater core,
what else should be
> replaced "while you are in there?"
> Thanks much.

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