Hydraulic Pump replacement

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Thu Feb 16 09:27:43 EST 2006

> From: Kneale Brownson <kneale at coslink.net>
> So, Bernie, your answer to HIS question?  He asked how difficult extraction
> is because there is unusual noise "like the bearing going" and no power to
> the power steering until the system has warmed up.
DFI til IB! If it is a bushing, which I doubt, continued wear will
eventually cause the shaft seal to leak with obvious consequences, but not
catastrophic. All these 44 chassis HP PS systems are sluggish when really
cold, including mine. Just drive and enjoy the SOB!

> At 07:14 PM 2/15/2006 -0800, Bernie Benz wrote:
>>> From: Kneale Brownson <kneale at coslink.net>
>>> If you can get a "rebuilt" pump from a FLAPS that guarantees stuff "for
>>> life" or whatever, I could see going that way.
>> This opinion flies in the face of your later comment about pump R&R being a
>> PITA.
>>> Otherwise, it's a crap
>>> shoot like buying "rebuilt" brake calipers.  Sometimes they're done
>>> correctly, sometimes not.  One that's been done by ZF (OEM supplier of the
>>> pumps) probably would be the best bet.
>> IMO, they are designing in limited pump (and rack) life for the lucrative
>> replacement business. For instance, rack seal kits (the HP rod seal being
>> the only one ever needing replacement) are not available for the 200 rack,
>> even to aftermarket rebuilders. Buy ZF rebuilts is their pitch! I¹ve
>> successfully redesigned and replaced my own rod seal.
>>> Of course, you can reseal these
>>> pumps fairly easily if you have access to a press to get the shaft out for
>>> replacing that seal.  The rest of the seals (all available as a kit for
>>> about $25) are O-rings.
>> If the shaft seal is not leaking oil out or air in, DFI if IAB! Further, he
>> didn¹t say that the pump or hose fittings were leaking, just noisy.
>> Bernie
>>> Pump replacement itself is a bit of a pain but no
>>> more difficult than, say, rebuilding a brake caliper.  I don't think there
>>> are any bearings, just bushings.
>>> At 06:05 PM 2/15/2006 -0700, Grant Dion wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> How hard is it to replace the hydraulic pump? Mine is making noises
> like the
>>>> bearing is going, and in the AM the steering is hard until it warms up, and
>>>> the Brake light is lit for a few minutes. (All BOMB tests look good, brakes
>>>> work fine) Also , is it worth getting a used pump?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Grant in Colorado Springs
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