Wires in drivers door jamb failure Type 44

SuffolkD at aol.com SuffolkD at aol.com
Fri Jan 6 22:10:04 EST 2006

Someone got the Bose recall to finally happen.
I'm interested in seeing what would happen.  
BTW the throttle grommet is a real concern too.

Also, because of the IM casting and the throttle body positon on the 200 20V 
3B, an acorn can keep the throttle open....

-Scott by BOSTON

In a message dated 1/6/2006 8:41:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
pjrose at frontiernet.net writes:

> Broken door jamb wires? Ha, Ha. It took AoA over 2  years to respond 
> to the fact that several Audis (out of less than 1000 total) were 
> documented as burned to a crisp by faulty Bose rear-speaker amps! 
> What a laugh to think that Audi would take seriously the broken door 
> jamb wires of 15 yr-old cars. How about AoA "doing something" about 
> the broken grommet on cruise control throttle shaft that causes a 
> jammed throttle?

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