George Sidman is back......

George Sidman sidman at
Sun Jul 2 14:30:18 EDT 2006

Well fellows,  having had the 2001 allroad for a couple of months, herewith
some observations.

The allroad is a young quarterhorse - the 200 20v is an aging Arabian.  In
the 20v if I am not paying attention I'll be going 90 miles an hour and not
know it. In the allroad if I am not paying attention I'll be going 60 mph.
The allroad needs to be pushed to maintain 80, while the 20v has to be held
back at 80.  Two entirely different cars.  

I have developed some skill with the Tiptronic transmission, both the
shifter and the steering wheel paddles.  However, the automatic knows its
shift points well and for daily driving is well mannered. I have asked my
buyers to find an equivalent allroad with the 6 speed manual box, and I'll
swap it out.  I drove one a few weeks ago and found it much more like the

Of course the ride in the allroad is that of a relatively new car, while the
worn out suspension rubber in the 20v has that wonderful feel of the road -
along with the body rattles, chirps and the minor annoyances of a few
non-functional bits. 

I am seriously considering dropping the 20v off at my wrench and having them
go through the undercarriage, do the timing belt etc., and driving it when I
want the fun.  It now has 306,000 miles on the original clutch and drive
train and shows no sign of slowing down.  It still pulls 18 bar steadily
(new oversize cats) and gets noticeably better gas mileage than the allroad.

I'll keep you posted.........

George Sidman
Chairman & Chief Technology Architect
WebLOQ, Inc.
831 620-1320

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