Air bag recall? Please refresh my memory.

Phil Rose pjrose at
Fri Jul 7 10:17:13 EDT 2006

At 9:32 PM -0700 7/6/06, Bernie Benz wrote:
>Thanks, Ed.
>That may be what happened. Battery went very low, wouldn't start while I was
>playing with the head unit replacement. But I've never had this problem with
>my 200. Probably need to use a Vag-Com to reset the control unit. Does
>anyone have any idea as to how to do that?

The connector(s) for the airbag can be found by removing the driver's 
side center-console panel. The connector harness will be stuffed 
somewhere beneath/alongside/behind the CC head.  I can't supply any 
details about using the VAG-Com as that was done by a friend (David 


*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *      
*        mailto:pjrose at       *

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