Subject: re: Throttle Cable end

Patrick Anderson patrick.anderson1 at
Thu Jun 8 00:42:53 EDT 2006

So I forget who had the piece that breaks fabbed up out of metal. Do I smell 
a group buy/fabrication effort like the metal dist. gear? Who was it and can 
you have more made for the folks that have broken them? I know they 
mentioned some welding was involved on their solution but maybe some person 
w/ more time than I could find somebody to make these up for those that need 

My personal MacGyver story....driving home from work....engine suddenly revs 
to redline and stays there. I turned off the ignition almost instantaneously 
and coasted into a fire station where I discovered the problem. Walked 
across the street to a bakery and literaly asked "do you have some tape and 
a paper clip i can have". Lady gave me a weird look but was kind enough to 
oblige. Turns out I didn't even need the tape =). Got her home where we were 
able to implement a slighlty more permanent, although jurry rigged, solution 
in place that has lasted a couple of years now.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Adam Gratz" <adamgratz at>
To: <200q20v at>
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 8:54 PM
Subject: Subject: re: Throttle Cable end

> My plastic accelerator cable/throttle body rocker broke off as well. I was
> in the hills of above Santa Barbara and had to do a McGyver with some JB
> weld. 2 years later, still holding. I did hit the salvage yards and pulled
> pieces of an audi 90 that appeared to be identical. I am yet to break off
> the JB weld just yet....
> To the Lister that mentioned the S6 throttle body replacement. Did you use
> the throttle position switch from the S6 as well? Do you notice any flow
> difference with the S6 TB?
> Curious,
> Dr. Gratz
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