brake slave misery

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Fri Nov 10 11:41:37 EST 2006


pressure bleeding should be fine

here is the whole story regarding my clutch cylinder

I only had to reverse bleed the system, following my
initial exploratory
dabble before changing the cylinders.
I did this exploratory work at a fellow lister's house
in montreal.
He does not have a pressure bleeder (well he does now,
'cos he's
borrowing mine having seen it in action) and at least
one of the
cylinders was goosed.
He told me that he had to reverse bleed his URQ when
he changed both

I later changed both of the cylinders at my place and
having struggled
to 'pedal' bleed it for a couple of minutes, went in
and dug the
pressure bleeder out of the box that it was still in
following our move
from france to canada last year.
It worked like a charm.
i'm not sure why it wouldn't pedal bleed, but figure
that it might be
the over-centre spring that throws the pedal to the
floor at high speed
when there is no fluid in the system.
That's just a guess though. Whatever, it didn't seem
to be working very
well and, since I had a pressure bleeder' I didn't
stop to ftry and
figure out what was or wasn't happening.
Having bled the clutch I lent the pressure bleeder to
Louis Alain who
had some brake issues at the time. I must get it back
at some point, but
then he has a bigger cellar than me so no rush!

hope that helps


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