Bought my first audi - 200q20v!

Rbade12 at Rbade12 at
Sun Jul 6 05:29:32 PDT 2008

 I also own an SHO, a 93 MTX with 120k. I don't drive it much, kind of  
prefer the 200q20v.
Welcome to the 200q20v world! I've been in it for 5 years or so and it's  
filled with fun and frustration as is/was the SHO world.
The passenger side cam is timing belt driven, the drivers driven by  chain 
from the passenger side. No cam belts to change...unless you wish to call  the 
timing belt a cam belt. 
Are you familiar with Chris Millers site and Scott Mockery's site and  
Quattro 123? Get a set of Bentley manuals and ask questions, good group of folks  
Best of luck,
Bob    91 200q20v   Franklin, Wi
In a message dated 7/5/2008 6:45:06 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
centaurus3200 at writes:

Thanks  Ken and to all for the insight. yes, i guess y'all have a point - 
used tires  are kinda ghetto and the S4 rims don't look all that much cooler (if 
at all)  than the 17" A4 rims i have on it now.

so - i guess it's kuhmo escta  sports 235 45 Z17s. sucks because i bought the 
same mode tire for my SHO only  to total it 10k later :-(

i had Yokohama AVS ES100 on my SHO before  that. a ho-hum tire IMHO - not 
stellar grip and squealed like a pig around  corners, especially when i took the 
car to thunderhill in 2004.

oh, one  question - i have that old european car mag from 1197 - that had an 
article on  the audi 5000/200 - with a special section on the 200q20v. it said 
something  about need to change the cam drive belts every 60k. not sure if 
that applies  to the 20V. i know mike changed the timing belt at 90k, but know 
nothing about  the cam belts - my sho had cam chains, so they didn't need 
replacing. i  emailed him to ask - but have not heard back yet. i would assume he'd 
change  those too if necessary.

see ya,

--- On Sat,  7/5/08, Kenneth Keith <auditude at> wrote:

> From:  Kenneth Keith <auditude at>
> Subject: Re: Bought my first  audi - 200q20v!
> To: 200q20v at
> Date: Saturday, July  5, 2008, 3:46 PM
> robert weinberg  <centaurus3200 at>
> >
> > hi all,
>  >
> > i figure if I'm going to buy an Audi - lets get a
>  real Audi - i.e. finicky, frustrating but sometimes very
> enjoyable  ;-)
> >
> > i think some of you guys probably checked the  car out
> and passed. maybe for good reason too ;-)
> >
>  > it's the one in Castro valley (although i bought
> it in  Hayward)
> >
> >
>  >
> > i paid $2,800. not an awesome deal - but good  enough.
> passed smog the first time. idles and runs smooth, no  leaks
> - new bomb, UFOs, timing belt, both radiators. a/c
>  doesn't work, trip computer/boost guage doesn't
> work (fuse? - never  that simple, i suppose). needs struts
> and tires (might as well lower  it at this point). 114,000
> original miles - Ian checked the car fax  report to confirm.
> >
> > all in all, it was as i expected  - except the roof is
> faded. interior is very clean though and the body  is
> straight. i know what I'm in for (i think) from owning
> a  1992 Ford Taurus SHO for the last 10 years and all the
> fun that was to  throw money at ;-)
> >
> > reasons for buying this one  instead of the red one in
> SF is I'm smitten by the low-ish miles and  the red one
> is...well, red and it has 166k on the clock.
>  >
> > the owner was really cool. he actually moved to
>  Hawaii, so i dealt with his in-laws in Hayward - who were
> very cool  too. they were always honest about the car and
> made no pretenses about  it.
> >
> > i drove it home - floaty due to the worn struts  and
> shocks - but smooth and responsive when i hit the gas. i
>  had an Infiniti G35 on my ass going from the 238
> interchange to the  580. i was thinking "not yet my
> friend - in good time - you will get  yours, Mr.
> Infiniti" ;-)
> >
> > see ya,
>  > Robby
> Beautiful car, and a good deal too, IMHO.
> Cheers,
> Kenneth
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