bose stereo

YBK ybk at
Mon Jul 7 13:01:59 PDT 2008

Here is what you must know about rear amplifiers recall (I've read the
Audi paper myself): Only amplifiers with connectors are subject to
recall. The instructions say something like "if wires are soldered to
the circuit board - do nothing and mark recall completed".

I learned this hard way having "completed" the recall and finding out
that my sound is still not working. Long story short I discovered that
new amplifier circuit board connector is the same as AT computer board
power connector. I soldered connectors from an old AT power supply to
the speaker wires and installed new amplifiers I got from the dealer.

The front speakers will most likely fail for the same reason. I had one
fixed at, now tempting to send another one but
have too many other more important things on my schedule.

BTW, I was able to completely restore jumping stock radio buttons by
placing some one side sticky thin foam under them. Have pictures if
anyone is interested in keeping stock radio working.

On Sun, 2008-07-06 at 20:34 -0700, robert weinberg wrote:
> okay, i lied - one more question ;-)
> will audi still honor the bose recall? according to ian gall, who
> checked out the car before me - he said the bose amps are still the
> pre-recall ones.

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