AC condenser removal

Kneale Brownson knealeski at
Sat Jul 12 04:22:37 PDT 2008

I have a recollection that when I replaced the condenser on the 200q20v, I had to do all the same stuff as replacing a headlight:  pull the air ducts and bumper, the headlight fixture and then the plastic stuff at the bottom of the radiator well to get to the fasteners for the condenser.  However, I also was replacing the radiator, so it might be that I pulled the radiator to get to the condenser fasteners.

PeterBergin at wrote:  Yea, the car is worth more to me than that. I just need to pull the 
condenser, get it fixed and hope that is all that is wrong.

Still wondering how the bottom bolts come off? Assume I need to pull the 
plastic for the brake cooler and splash protection to get to the bolts.

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