alright last question - ticking lifters?

Mike Miller mikemilr at
Sat Jul 12 11:13:01 PDT 2008

You could try some MMO in either/both oil gas and see if it makes a 
difference - it makes my F350 a tad quieter. You might also try running a 
good quality oil like Mobil 1 Turbo Diesel Truck (key on the word turbo, not 
diesel) I believe it is 5w40 - I;ve also run Mobil1 15w50 with good result - 
even year round in Montana @ 30 below. The TDT is a better quality oil than 
the "newly reformulated" Mobil 1 15w50


----- Original Message ----- 
From: robert weinberg
To: 200q20V mailing list
Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2008 11:44 AM
Subject: alright last question - ticking lifters?

thanks for everyone's patience with me. i'm new to the audi game and have 
lots of questions.

didn't notice what seems to be ticking coming from the top of the engine 
when i bought the car. but can hear it now. seems weird that the lifters 
would be ticking with only 114k on the clock. they are hydraulic, correct? i 
could just reshim the solid lifters on my SHO.

i don't think it's an exhaust leak.

it's not super loud or anything. car still idles smooth, never misses a beat 
and hauls ass.

i assume i can leave it for now and deal with it at another time. someone on 
the 034 forum said something about using marvel mystery oil?


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