Linkage adjustment help

John S. Lagnese jlagnese at
Tue Jul 22 18:13:09 PDT 2008

Yes it was the left hand bar. I did just that. Loosened the bar, accidently 
separated them, had the shifter, shifter 90' upright, and after much cursing 
of the Audi engineers, 5 forward and 1 reverse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eric Huppert" <ehuppert at>
To: "200q20v" <200q20v at>
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 7:53 PM
Subject: Linkage adjustment help

> John,
> Feel your pain!
> Kneale is correct, it's the rod on the left side that controls shifter
> motion. IIRC the shaft/splines can slide together, as in it will fit in
> different rotational positions! If you look at the linkage it has to 
> rotate
> far enough to engage reverse.
> If it was me I'd probably pull the linkage back apart and start over. You
> may be a couple of splines off! Make sure trans is in neutral and have a
> helper sit in the car to make sure shifter is centered, etc etc. Also 
> helps
> as they can move shifter to get it started in the spines while you're
> holding everything in place.
> I've been able to sneak in with 1/4 drive, and snake a 13mm wrench up top.
> Difficult, but BTDT more than once. Make sure you position the clamp and
> bolt so you can get a socket in with a semi-straight shot for further
> adjustments.
> Eric
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