PS Hose from rack to pump

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Fri Jun 27 14:56:39 PDT 2008

What are you doing for the HP pump to rack hose, DIY build, hyd shop  
build, or Audi replacement part?
If going DIY, I have published the parts list, about $25. worth, 6  
years ago.
Don’t forget to clean the screen in the reservoir.
The system is self bleeding if parked level or nose down, for gravity  
feed to the pump.


On Jun 27, 2008, at 11:54 AM, PyRo wrote:

> I am in the process of replacing the hose which goes from the ps  
> pump to the rack. I removed the return line from the brake servo  
> unit to the reservoir. Is it necessary to bleed the system? and if  
> it isn't when is it necessary to bleed the system? Thanks
>   Danny
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