91 Avant driver's window disappears into door all by itself

Phil and Judy Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Mon Jun 30 06:48:23 PDT 2008

At 3:12 PM -0600 6/28/08, Ed Kellock wrote:
>Got it apart and identified the broken part.  The part of the regulator that
>pins through the window has broken where it holds the lug on the cable in
>I'm about to do some parts swapping from my 92 V8 engine donor car. 
>Sure is a pisser that the window reg is all good except this little tiny bit
>of pot metal.  Crap weasels.
>Any info out there on a fix for this particular mode of failure?

This sounds as though you have the same problem I posted about a few 
(wow, 6 years ago!!) years back. I chose to do the "swivel pin" fix 
recommended/described in the Bentley. It worked fine for a couple of 
years, although IMHO possibly better to do a replacement of the 
entire regulator if you want a more reliable repair. My swivel-pin 
repair eventually failed when the cable broke at the point where it's 
clamped down by one of the swivel-pins (set screw). So I then 
replaced the entire regulator. Here's the old post, and also a url 
for image of the repair details:


At 11:25 AM -0500 2/17/02, Phil Rose wrote:
>In the Bentley manual for my '91 200q there's a description of repair
to the "pivot arm" assembly in the power window regulator. The pivot
arm has a tab that grips the regulator cable, and when this tab
breaks, the cable will be unable to move the window. I've taken the
trim panel off and verified that this is the situation with my
driver's side window (cable, motor, switches, etc seem OK).

The Bentley repair procedure is to use of a couple of modified
"swivel pins" (p/n 111129921), which you attach to the cable--placing
one on each side of the broken pivot arm. The modification to the
swivel pin involves cutting a groove so it can be slid onto the
cable; then it's fastened by a set screw (and Loctite).

I've obtained some of these little swivel pins (special order from VW
dealer at $3.49/ea), and soon will try to do the repair. However none
of the several very nexperienced Audi techs I've spoken to have ever
heard of this procedure.

I have no illusions that this will necessarily turn out to be a
"permanent" repair, but I figured it's worth a try. My concern is
that  that the cable will be weakened by the swivel-pin's set-screw
and hence will fail (break) in a short time. The alternative is to
replace the entire regulator assembly (not much more labor to do



*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *      
*        mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net       *

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