ac compressor being weird

chris gregg loxxrider at
Tue Sep 2 12:27:01 PDT 2008

For those of you who remember, I recently changed my ac and alternator belts because the ac one broke (which took out the alt belt). 

Well, the belts are in tact, but the comp isn't coming on anymore. I think its whatever electrical (dodad) that tells the comp to come on. 

Some things to consider:

Sometimes when driving on the highway, and on startup, the air doesn't blow thru the top vents. If I do any kind of deceleration of the engine, it will come back. That sounds to me like its a vacuum controlled setup? Probably clogged or cracked line? Its been doing that since before comp issues. 

The down button for temperature sometimes doesn't work. The up botton always works. 

Comp spins freely with car on...

I am just assuming this is electrical related. Thanks in advance for any info!



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