recommended viscosity

Scott Gilman scottegilman at
Sat Dec 5 15:53:09 PST 2009

I won't have to endure -35 temperatures like Peter in MN, which is a  
good thing since my car protests anything below 15/20 degrees when  
it's parked overnight outside.  I've never really kept track of the  
oil weight although I could go through the mountain of maintenance  
receipts to see if it was noted for oil changes during the winter  
months.  I've had the 200 in so many different climatic zones because  
of job moves and the Audi was in extended storage off & on for many  
On Dec 5, 2009, at 4:17 PM, rbade12 at wrote:

> I'm in the Midwest and our weather is waaaaay worse than yours...I'm  
> joking, comparable temp-wise I suspect. I use 10w40 in winter,  
> Syntec. What have you done the previous 17 winters?
> Put snows on today, Hankook Winter I-Pikes, wonderful snow tire IMO
> Bob             Franklin, Wi

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