what to do with a 200q20v...

Tony Hoffman auditony at gmail.com
Thu Dec 24 09:31:30 PST 2009

Brett, you will only have the first car you owned once, and if the car
means anything to you, find a way to keep it. At some point in time,
you will be glad you did.

you will regret selling it if it currently means anything to you. It
might be a while, maybe even ten or more years, but you will regret

My sis talked about selling her "only car she will purchase new", a
1998 Mustang GT convertible, and she was quite serious. It sits
around, and needs a bunch of work, most notably the torque converter
seal which leaks about a quart a day in daily driving. But, about two
months ago, she started talking seriously about wanting to fix it by
the end of this soming summer. She was also very thankful to me that I
didn't let her sell it when she wanted to.

If you are serious about loving it and wanting to keep it, you will find a way.


On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 10:15 PM, Brett Dikeman <brett.dikeman at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been procrastinating on what to do with my 200q20v for a while
> now; about a year or two ago I got tired of putting money into it
> (mostly insurance, but also maintenance) and took it off the road,
> because I didn't strictly NEED a car, and money was tight.  This
> summer I bought a new-to-me car, and the 200q20v has continued to sit.
>  Unfortunately, I have to get the car out of my parking space by
> January 1st, or in close to it; my landlord is selling the building.
> The car is in Boston, MA.
> I really don't want to part with the first car I owned, a car that
> loved to chase S4 V8's at Tremblant  and powerslide around snowy roads
> new england roads...but I don't have the time, tools, storage /
> workspace, or finances to spend on maintaining / restoring it.

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