Where to find rebuilt 3b Distributor

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Tue Feb 10 07:59:12 PST 2009

If the plastic gear is OK, use it. Just keep your TB tight.
Why do you need a new cap? I have never replaced one.
7A rotors are easily modified with a file, but not necessary if  
engine is running stock and dist timing is correct.
I can send my timing procedure.
Also, Look for a 7A distributor.


On Feb 9, 2009, at 11:26 PM, Ezekiel Brown wrote:

> I was looking though my service records and realized that my car  
> has the
> wrong rotor so I figured might as well replace the darn plastic  
> drive gear
> before it fails. Autohaus used to have rebuilt distributors for 199$.
> However, I checked with them and they said that after checking with  
> several
> of their direct importers the part is now on back order with no  
> expected
> delivery date. It seems the only place that has rebuilt  
> distributors is
> 034Motorsports but they want 325$ and another 20$ for the correct  
> rotor. 034
> also has brass drive gears for 95$ but by the time I get a cap and  
> a rotor
> it seems that I should almost be able to get a whole rebuilt  
> distributor.
> Long story short does any one know of another source for a rebuilt
> distributor?
> Thanks
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