Where to find rebuilt 3b Distributor

Ezekiel Brown alaskanbaja at gmail.com
Tue Feb 10 22:36:08 PST 2009

Thanks for the quick response, maybe I should explain my reasoning behind
preventive maintenance some more. Surprisingly enough this is the newest car
I have ever owned and I purchased it to drive places with. The end of this
month I am going to be driving it to Colorado and back which will be a
little over 3000 miles round trip. Later this spring I plan to go up to
Alaska and back so you can see how I would rather not have some silly very
rare part like the distributor drive gear failing on me in the middle of

As for tightening the TB, I was lead to believe that the drive gear failed
simply due to it being plastic and aging, it is 17 years old now. Could you
explain further?

I have always thought of distributor caps as a maintenance item that should
be replaced or at least cleaned of corrosion kind of like any other part of
the ignition system i.e spark plugs.

The only difference with the 7A rotors is the width and I can just file it
down? Well I guess that is a good idea. My engine does have a Intended
acceleration stage III+ chip and I have noticed a stumble in high load high
boost runs which I have been lead to believe could be this rotor issue.

Good Idea on the 7A distributor, autohaus does have those. Those are the
same except the rotor correct?

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 7:59 AM, Bernie Benz <b.benz at charter.net> wrote:

> If the plastic gear is OK, use it. Just keep your TB tight.
> Why do you need a new cap? I have never replaced one.
> 7A rotors are easily modified with a file, but not necessary if engine is
> running stock and dist timing is correct.
> I can send my timing procedure.
> Also, Look for a 7A distributor.
> Bernie
> On Feb 9, 2009, at 11:26 PM, Ezekiel Brown wrote:
>   I was looking though my service records and realized that my car has the
>> wrong rotor so I figured might as well replace the darn plastic drive gear
>> before it fails. Autohaus used to have rebuilt distributors for 199$.
>> However, I checked with them and they said that after checking with
>> several
>> of their direct importers the part is now on back order with no expected
>> delivery date. It seems the only place that has rebuilt distributors is
>> 034Motorsports but they want 325$ and another 20$ for the correct rotor.
>> 034
>> also has brass drive gears for 95$ but by the time I get a cap and a rotor
>> it seems that I should almost be able to get a whole rebuilt distributor.
>> Long story short does any one know of another source for a rebuilt
>> distributor?
>> Thanks
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