200 steering wheels

Austin Calise yoda_audi at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 22 21:10:49 PDT 2009

Richard, depends if you want an airbag or not? I have a ur S6 3 spoke sport wheel with airbag in my 200 20v. You'll need late 95 90 column cover which need to be trimmed a bit to work but in the end it looks pretty good. Also you'll need modify the turn signal canceling tab by epoxying on a tab from a non air bag wheel. a4 sport wheels up to 98 will also work. Non airbag sport wheels come up for sale once and a while try ebay uk and de too. Also have a look at CAC replica wheels.
Pics of my wheel http://s55.photobucket.com/albums/g127/yodasfro/steering%20wheel/

                 HTH's Austin

--- On Mon, 6/22/09, riceballdr at aol.com <riceballdr at aol.com> wrote:

From: riceballdr at aol.com <riceballdr at aol.com>
Subject: 200 steering wheels
To: 200q20v at audifans.com
Date: Monday, June 22, 2009, 9:54 PM

Hi, Is there any info about which 3 spoke stock?Audi ?steering wheels will fit our cars......... Thanks Richard .........1991 200 20v Avant
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