Daily Driver

Henry A Harper III hah at alumni.rice.edu
Mon Dec 13 16:31:09 PST 2010

I don't claim to speak for anyone other than myself, but when I had both my
88 GTI and 200q20v I preferred to put boring repetitive daily-driver miles
on the GTI. It was simply more economical to run around town (pick one:
30mpg on regular vs 20mpg on premium) yet still agreeably pleasant to drive,
with not quite as many extremely rare parts in case some bozo caused an

manual 2.0T B7 avant
200q20v - sold
GTI 16v - sold

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 200q20v-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:200q20v-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Bernie Benz
> Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 5:15 PM
> To: 200q20V mailing list
> Subject: Re: Daily Driver
> If one has a 200Q20V in good condition why would he look any further
> for a DD? One of the most reliable, long
> lasting, and lowest cost of ownership cars that I’ve owned. Why
> suffer daily sitting in junk?
> Bernie

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