Daily Driver

robert weinberg centaurus3200 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 13 16:33:28 PST 2010

bernie, i drive about 22,000-25,000/year. i am learning, but at this point am 
not able to do anything more than simple repairs to the car. and i bought it 
with relatively low miles (110k at the time) - racking the odometer up to sit in 
traffic 3 hours a day wasn't my vision for buying the car.

couple that with the fact that i love my wife to death, but she spazzes out with 
a stick shift - and i want a car that we can both drive - especially being her 
A4 has 215k on the clock.

but you are right - the 200q20v is a hell of a ride! i'd just rather save it for 
more enjoyable occasions.


From: Bernie Benz <b.benz at charter.net>
To: 200q20V mailing list <200q20v at audifans.com>
Sent: Mon, December 13, 2010 4:14:48 PM
Subject: Re: Daily Driver

If one has a 200Q20V in good condition why would he look any further  
for a DD? One of the most reliable, long
lasting, and lowest cost of ownership cars that I’ve owned. Why  
suffer daily sitting in junk?


On Dec 13, 2010, at 2:38 PM, Schaible, David wrote:

> From here now in the fatherland and from my US cars i propone tdi.  
> My vw w sport suspension is ok... Just dont try 2 kill off the  
> line.   Vw deisel is as reliable as 3b.  Here iam driving passat  
> wagon which is solid @ 220kph
> david
> Sent by mobile-
> It has recently been discovered that research causes cancer in rats
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: 200q20v-bounces at audifans.com <200q20v-bounces at audifans.com>
> To: 200q20v at audifans.com <200q20v at audifans.com>
> Sent: Mon Dec 13 17:19:27 2010
> Subject: Daily Driver
> Robby-
> I get a good strong "piece of junk" report from most shops on the  
> VW. For a
> daily driver, why not consider on older Mercedes Diesel? Safe, and  
> you can
> do tune ups yourself.
> On another note, I bought a pile of high end 3B goodies for a 20v  
> project
> that I will never start thanks to a conversation with a roadside  
> boulder.
> About $5500 worth of 034EFI swag, big turbo, SS lines, throttle  
> body, S2
> manifold, 3" exhaust, short shif kit, Derlin motor and tranny  
> mounts, S2
> injectors, fuel pressure regulator, silicon hoses. Anyone want to  
> put this
> under their tree, I'll play Santa. Santa won't pay for shipping  
> this year,
> however....
> Aloha,
> Dr. Gratz
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