broken cam gear key; 034 turbo kit on 7-A coupe

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Wed Jun 2 07:21:55 PDT 2010

As I recall, correct me if wrong, the Woodruff key is on the  tapered  
portion of the shaft that fits into the tapered bore of the cam’s TB  
sprocket. If so, the key is for initial alignment purposes only and  
the taper fit handles the transmitted torque, IF the taper retaining  
fastener is sufficiently torqued.

But why would you replace the sprocket using a sheared  key? And how  
did the key get sheared in the first place?


On Jun 2, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Tom Egbert wrote:

>  The cam pulley has a broken key, will the camshaft spin under load  
> and mess things up?
> From: Bernie Benz <b.benz at>
> To: Tom Egbert <tomegbert1323 at>
> Cc: 200q20V mailing list <200q20v at>
> Sent: Tue, June 1, 2010 11:16:23 PM
> Subject: Re: broken cam gear key; 034 turbo kit on 7-A coupe
> Please expand on the details of the problem a bit, Tom.
> Bernie
> On Jun 1, 2010, at 4:46 PM, Tom Egbert wrote:
> >  Got caught in situation with son needing car to drive back to  
> Kansas City from Indy, here is what happened.
> >
> >    While installing turbo kit and rebuilt head ; either key was  
> broken prior t-belt job or it is very fragile, pulled off pulley to  
> put on final time and key was split. It went in and stayed in place  
> and the fit is tight and then tightened bolt to torque spec with  
> stock thick washer in place.
> >    Son drove to K.C. last night. Ran great,over 30 mpg. no  
> issues. I told him no getting on it; just drive gingerly until we  
> know the torque is transferred by the fit and clamp of the  
> fasteners or get it replaced.
> >    Any similar situations? Engineering analysis?
> >                      Nervous Dad,
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