Master Cylinder - 200Q20VTQ made of unobtanium?

Big Brake Parts bigbrakeparts at
Tue May 4 13:42:35 PDT 2010


On one 89 Jetta there was the same problem. Fronts binding when heated.
Replaced calipers and cylinder. No changes. Finally added 2mm washers
between master cylinder and vacuum brake booster (with thicker rubber
o-ring to keep the seal). No more binding.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Swann <benswann at>
To: 'Bernie Benz' <b.benz at>
Cc: 'Quattro List' <quattro at>, '200q20V mailing list'
<200q20v at>
Subject: RE: Master Cylinder - 200Q20VTQ made of unobtanium?
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2010 14:12:00 -0400


Not sure what you are driving at.  I have a well maintained system relatively speaking.
It has been bled/flushed every few years - more than most cars I've seen.  This will be
the second set of pads I've replaced.  Don't know about the prior owners maintenance on
it, but he was former Audifans/Quattro listmiester.

I don't know why these MCs have a habit of binding when heated.  I just flushed the
fluid - helped, but still starts dragging front caliper when things get hot.  I've seen
this on almost every 5000/200 I've owned.

I might be into rebuilding the caliper at over $400, but at $125 not worth my time.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bernie Benz [mailto:b.benz at] 
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 10:50 AM
To: Ben Swann
Cc: 200q20V mailing list
Subject: Re: Master Cylinder - 200Q20VTQ made of unobtanium?

Apparently, because there is no demand, and rightly so. And you’ve replaced these in the
past, why?

IMO, in a properly maintained system they should be good for the life of the car, along
with the other components of the system. Further, if abused they can be overhauled.


On Apr 8, 2010, at 6:37 AM, Ben Swann wrote:

> I just had a friend with WorldPac account try to order a Master 
> Cylinder for my '91 200 quattro avant.  He exclaimet the cost was Holy 
> Sh** + WOW!  Which when translated was around $400 his cost (list over 
> $600).
> So, I know I have gotten these for way less in the past, so enquiring 
> of the AUDI Oracle where to get one at best price.
> Ben
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