3 volume Bentley manual

kneale at knitknacks.com kneale at knitknacks.com
Tue Oct 12 11:21:52 PDT 2010

You might also want to post this on the quattro list because it covers the
89s and 90s also.  Probably sell fast on the Audifans Marketplace. Other
places would be Audiworld and Quattroworld.  This was a $130-150 manual, if
I recall correctly, so you should be able to get near $100 out of it.

Original Message:
From: Jim Fleischer jim at almgt.com
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 11:55:29 -0600
To: 200q20v at audifans.com
Subject: 3 volume Bentley manual

Hey all,

I just came across the 3 volume Bentley manual for the 200 I used to have. 
Don't have it or a 3B in the stable, so probably should get rid of it. 
Anyone want it?  Not sure what it's worth, so feel free to make an
offer.......shipping would be $5-$10 I'd imagine.

Let me know.....no rush......

Jim Fleischer
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