Need side for reflectors Audi 200

Bastian Preindl bastian at
Fri Oct 22 03:56:05 PDT 2010

Hi list,

due to a happening yesterday on the motorway (my passanger side headlamp 
side reflector decided to say goodbye, together with the aluminium 
frame...) on my 220VTQ I am in some trouble, as my car has - before the 
law - lost its operation permission, at least on Austrian's roads. 
Thanks to the great spare part strategy of Audi for our future 
youngtimers, the part is - as expected - out of stock and won't be 
reproduced in the near future. CAC is sold out as well and my usual 
suspects regarding spare parts have some driver side reflector's, but 
none for the passenger side.

As a consequence, I'm asking you if one of you has this reflector 
(picture: and can 
offer it to me to a feasible price (I'd take both plus the aluminium 
frame, if possible). I lack of the plastic clamps for the whole 
aluminium trim as well, so if somebody has an idea which other part will 
do the same function, it would be great...

I hope somebody can help me out...



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