Need guidance on a '91 TQ 200 20v that won't start
feelstranger at
Fri Oct 29 05:53:57 PDT 2010
Is that a Typo?? Did you really mean 26K miles?
From: "Jim Hollander at Hot Grips Mfg., Inc." <Jim at>
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 10:18 PM
To: <200q20v at>
Subject: Need guidance on a '91 TQ 200 20v that won't start
> Have the Bentley manuals (set of 3 volumes) but they seem to discuss many
> VW and Vag-Com tools I will never have access to.
> Is there a troubleshooting guidebook that doesn't rely on special test
> equipment to make progress in diagnosing a no-start problem?
> My car has low miles (26k) and have owned it since new in 1991. Recently
> I went to start it to get the rust off the brakes and no-start, cranks
> strong, but acts like it is not getting any fuel. I changed the large
> fuel filter in the engine compartment, pulled the spark plugs and noted
> they were all dry. I loosened the front banjo bolt on what looks like a
> fuel rail above the fuel injectors on top of the engine and got fuel to
> spray out.
> Relevant fuse #13 is OK, so I ordered a new fuel pump relay since that
> would be an easy to replace low cost possible fix. In what other areas
> should I look for a problem?
> Is access to the fuel pump beneath the spare tire plastic tub?
> Can anyone make some suggestions on my next moves? thanks in advance.
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