Need guidance on a '91 TQ 200 20v that won't start

Henry A Harper III hah at
Fri Oct 29 16:28:29 PDT 2010

The EFI/Motronic 200 has *only* an in-tank pump though, vs the in-tank
"transfer" pump and external-to-tank "main pump" on a CIS-E car like a 16V
Scirocco or GTI. If the 200 pump is dead there won't be any fuel pressure at
all. If the CIS-E transfer pump dies then it just runs poorly, main pump and
it won't run at all.

Henry Harper
2005.5 A4 quattro avant 2.0T, manual, 66k
1991 200 quattro 20v, 129k, sold but not forgotten
1988 GTI 16v, 279k, for sale

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 200q20v-bounces at
> [mailto:200q20v-bounces at]On Behalf Of John Lagnese
> Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 5:02 PM
> To: 'Brian K. Ullrich'; 'Jim Hollander at Hot Grips Mfg., Inc.'
> Cc: 200q20v at
> Subject: RE: Need guidance on a '91 TQ 200 20v that won't start
> When my 16V Scirocco's main fuel pump went bad there was still gas
> pressure at the fuel lines at the engine. It just wasn't enough to run
> the engine.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 200q20v-bounces at [mailto:200q20v-bounces at]
> On Behalf Of Brian K. Ullrich
> Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 1:02 AM
> To: Jim Hollander at Hot Grips Mfg., Inc.
> Cc: <200q20v at>
> Subject: Re: Need guidance on a '91 TQ 200 20v that won't start
> Jim,
> I agree with Tony. Having just gone through this myself, I'd start with
> spark.
> FYI, the fuel pump assy is IN the fuel tank, and is dirty nasty smelly
> business. Last resort sort of stuff.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 28, 2010, at 21:18, "Jim Hollander at Hot Grips Mfg., Inc."
> <Jim at> wrote:
> > Have the Bentley manuals (set of 3 volumes) but they seem to discuss
> many VW and Vag-Com tools I will never have access to.
> >
> > Is there a troubleshooting guidebook that doesn't rely on special test
> equipment to make progress in diagnosing a no-start problem?
> >
> > My car has low miles (26k) and have owned it since new in 1991.
> Recently I went to start it to get the rust off the brakes and no-start,
> cranks strong, but acts like it is not getting any fuel.  I changed the
> large fuel filter in the engine compartment, pulled the spark plugs and
> noted they were all dry.  I loosened the front banjo bolt on what looks
> like a fuel rail above the fuel injectors on top of the engine and got
> fuel to spray out.
> >
> > Relevant fuse #13 is OK, so I ordered a new fuel pump relay since that
> would be an easy to replace low cost possible fix.  In what other areas
> should I look for a problem?
> >
> > Is access to the fuel pump beneath the spare tire plastic tub?
> >
> > Can anyone make some suggestions on my next moves?  thanks in advance.
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