no start followup - old fuel,

rbade12 at rbade12 at
Sun Oct 31 13:20:39 PDT 2010

 You sure you've checked all the grounds? There are the engine grounds, but, there are also chassis grounds that caused me issues in the past!





-----Original Message-----
From: Jim <jim at>
To: 200q20v <200q20v at>
Sent: Sun, Oct 31, 2010 2:23 pm
Subject: no start followup - old fuel, 

Those fuses are perfect and so is the contact area where they are inserted. 

Ground on driver's side of the engine is ok, so is the one under the rear 

seat.  The gas is old but I use stabilizer in it and have gone as long as 

several years on old fuel without a problem.  I had a 1988 Toyota Celica 

All-Trac and the car did have reduced power with old fuel, but the rough 

running would clean up with Lucas fuel treatment.  So I use Lucas fuel 

treatment in my Audi 200 TQ 20v.  The engine doesn't even sound like it 

wants to try to run rough, simply no combustion at all.  Wouldn't the spark 

plugs be wet with fuel that was too old to ignite if the old fuel was the 

cause of the no-start condition?


> ------------------------------


> Message: 2

> Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2010 09:26:58 -0700 (PDT)

> From: robert weinberg <centaurus3200 at>

> Subject: Re: is there a Trick to removing the connectors at the

> harness connector mounting bracket?

> To: 200q20V mailing list <200q20v at>

> Message-ID: <208918.49735.qm at>

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


> sounds absurd - but pull the ecu fuses (the ones with the motoren caps on 

> them)

> and make sure there's no corrosion on them or on the contacts in the fuse 

> box.

> if they are corroded, they will not make contact and your car won't start.


> Robby





> ________________________________

> From: "Jim Hollander at Hot Grips Mfg., Inc." <Jim at>

> To: 200q20v at

> Sent: Sun, October 31, 2010 7:18:05 AM

> Subject: is there a Trick to removing the connectors at the harness 

> connector

> mounting bracket?


> Still working on that no start condition on the 26k miles '91 200 TQ 20v 

> car in

> NH.  I am trying to do a test of the two flywheel sensors...ignition 

> timing

> sensor and engine rpm speed sensor at the connectors behind the engine, 

> mounted

> in a stack on a bracket.  The retaining steel spring clips that hold them

> together seem to be trapped by the immediate connector below...  is there 

> a

> trick in getting these connectors released without breaking them?  Do you 

> pry

> the topmost connector out of it's slot first to enable removal of the 

> retaining

> spring clip?  I don't want to force it and regret it.


> Jim

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