alternate place to test G28 engine rpm sensor if cannot disconnect at the harness bracket on firewall.
jim at
Sun Oct 31 12:20:53 PDT 2010
Is there another place where I can access the wires that go to the engine
rpm sensor like in the ECU ?
From: <200q20v-request at>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2010 3:00 PM
To: <200q20v at>
Subject: 200q20v Digest, Vol 84, Issue 25
> Send 200q20v mailing list submissions to
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Fwd: servotronic rack rebuild (Bernie Benz)
> 2. Re: is there a Trick to removing the connectors at the
> harness connector mounting bracket? (robert weinberg)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2010 09:15:23 -0700
> From: Bernie Benz <b.benz at>
> Subject: Fwd: servotronic rack rebuild
> To: 200q20V mailing list <200q20v at>
> Message-ID: <25FA455E-6C32-4F7A-862A-C10E078425A4 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=WINDOWS-1252; delsp=yes;
> format=flowed
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Bernie Benz <b.benz at>
>> Date: March 14, 2006 4:41:48 PM PST
>> To: <dennis at>
>> Cc: "Miller, Chris" <chris.miller at>, 200q20V mailing
>> list <200q20v at>
>> Subject: Re: servotronic rack rebuild
>>> From: "Dennis Stehlik" <djsj35 at>
>>> Reply-To: dennis at
>>> Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 15:27:53 -0600
>>> To: b.benz at
>>> Subject: Re: servotronic rack rebuild
>>> Bernie,
>>> Thanks for the E-mail. I have thought about replacing that pesky
>>> hard blue
>>> o-ring.
>> That seal element is not an O-ring. It is a machined or molded ring of
>> special cross section and it has an O-ring around its OD to both
>> seal and
>> add compliant squeeze pressure (unsuccessfully) to this primary
>> plastic seal
>> element.
>>> Was actually talking with my father-in-law and his machine shop to
>>> design something different. Seems to me there should be 2 o-rings
>>> there,
>>> but I am not an o-ring design expert so I hesitate.
>> No, using an elastomeric O-ring as the primary sealing element in a
>> dynamic
>> linear motion rod seal application is a bad design under any pressure,
>> inasmuch as the ring will be subject to spiral failure due to the
>> linear
>> motion. A Quad section ring will prevent this type failure, why I
>> used this
>> type elastomeric ring for the primary seal element.
>> But further, at 1000 psi any elastomeric ring material will fail by
>> extrusion through the relatively large rod to seal housing
>> clearance without
>> the use of a well sized back up ring. This is why ZF used the hard
>> plastic
>> seal material, to prevent extrusion failure.
>>> I have been reading up
>>> on it lately and looking at alternatives available via the web and
>>> the
>>> McMaster Carr catalog I have.
>> Get a Parker O-ring design handbook, and a Minnesota Rubber Quad
>> ring design
>> hand book.
>>> Can you give me more details on the replacement you used? Where
>>> you got the
>>> o-rings, the exact size, shap, part number, and material it is
>>> made of? I
>>> would love to look into it.
>> You can have your machine shop cut the stakes from the old seal
>> assembly,
>> but the two halves are still a press fit together and thus are
>> still a bitch
>> to get apart, but doable. Heat may help, you?re not trying to save the
>> plastic.
>> Not many design options within the limited space of that seal
>> housing, but I
>> found one that worked, as follows:
>> 1. The primary sealing element is a Q4111 Quad ring, any available
>> material
>> is OK, N70 most common. Bum a sample from MR.
>> 2. The back up ring is a Micro Plastics #17W06881 molded nylon washer,
>> .688 x .390 x .031. They?ll give you a bag of samples. The ID is a
>> little
>> tight for the .392D piston rod so, having a taper reamer, I reamed
>> it out to
>> about .395 placing the larger D of the taper toward the seal
>> housing bore
>> and the smaller supporting the Quad.
>> 3. There is also an O-ring used to load the Q ring radially and to
>> seal the
>> OD of the back up ring to the housing, a generic 2-015. Assemble
>> these parts
>> in the seal housing and press it back together, no need for the
>> stakes.
>> Other than these new parts, my rebuild reuses all of the other
>> parts and
>> O-rings.
>> ZF uses a tapered insertion tool (100/200 Bentley 48.13) to protect
>> the seal
>> from the sharp edge of the piston rod during assembly. You can make
>> one or
>> just round off the sharp edge of the rod end.
>> I?ve been using Ford Tractor hydraulic fluid in my Audi PS systems
>> for years
>> now with no problems.
>>> As part of the rebuild o-ring kit I got a whole bunch of o-rings
>>> and seals,
>>> but also got the metal insert with the blue ring.
>> Wow! ZF told me a year+ ago that they most probably would never
>> sell this
>> part because of liability in a critical steering application. BS!
>> Nothing
>> critical about a little leak. IMO, they were just protecting their
>> rebuild
>> business.
>> Regards,
>> Bernie Benz
>> Gardnerville, NV
>> '90 90Q-20V 160K
>> '91 200Q-20V 210K
>> ?02 A6 2.7T 6spd 70K (wife?s new ride)
>> '88 Ford "Quatro" Tractor
>> Other Misc. Toys
>>> That insert has to be
>>> placed into the carrier that I pressed out with the old insert.
>>> You are
>>> right that there is some lateral play in that assembly. I know I
>>> didnt have
>>> to take the entire thing apart and redo all the rings, but I had
>>> them, was
>>> interested, had the I did. It was more about the
>>> challenge of it
>>> rather than actually fixing any problem.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dennis Stehlik
>>> 630-456-4119
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2010 09:26:58 -0700 (PDT)
> From: robert weinberg <centaurus3200 at>
> Subject: Re: is there a Trick to removing the connectors at the
> harness connector mounting bracket?
> To: 200q20V mailing list <200q20v at>
> Message-ID: <208918.49735.qm at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> sounds absurd - but pull the ecu fuses (the ones with the motoren caps on
> them)
> and make sure there's no corrosion on them or on the contacts in the fuse
> box.
> if they are corroded, they will not make contact and your car won't start.
> Robby
> ________________________________
> From: "Jim Hollander at Hot Grips Mfg., Inc." <Jim at>
> To: 200q20v at
> Sent: Sun, October 31, 2010 7:18:05 AM
> Subject: is there a Trick to removing the connectors at the harness
> connector
> mounting bracket?
> Still working on that no start condition on the 26k miles '91 200 TQ 20v
> car in
> NH. I am trying to do a test of the two flywheel sensors...ignition
> timing
> sensor and engine rpm speed sensor at the connectors behind the engine,
> mounted
> in a stack on a bracket. The retaining steel spring clips that hold them
> together seem to be trapped by the immediate connector below... is there
> a
> trick in getting these connectors released without breaking them? Do you
> pry
> the topmost connector out of it's slot first to enable removal of the
> retaining
> spring clip? I don't want to force it and regret it.
> Jim
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