Strut Bearing R & R

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Sun Oct 31 13:20:21 PDT 2010

Your diagnosis is correct, you have a sticky thrust bearing. Very  
common on the 88 and 89 chassis, but not common on the 44 chassis.

First, about the bearing. It is a large diameter,1.5 to 2”  
containing many uncaged balls. No need to replace with a new bearing.  
The upper and lower races snap together and may be separated for  
cleaning and relube. If doing this, don’t loose any balls. Bentley  

To remove this bearing you must drop the strut and use a spring  
compressor to remove the top nut. Big job if only to relube this  
thrust bearing. Normally only gets attention when replacing a wheel  
bearing or shock.

If this is the only problem, I would try to relube the bearing in  
situ. With the suspension hanging, you can drop the strut loose from  
the strut tower by several inches. The thrust bearing is between the  
bearing plate that you have unbolted from the tower and the upper  
spring perch. Now you may have enough room to spray, squirt or flood  
some oil around this bearing in hopes that some will penetrate into  
the ball area. Bentley 40.8a. Won’t take much to soften the hardened  
original grease. Been years since I’ve been in there so this idea is  
a WAG, but IMO worth a try.

While you have the strut hanging, file its tower mounting holes ob- 
round by about ⅛” to 3/16” in the outboard direction and when  
reinstalling the strut move it fully outboard until the bearing plate  
touches the tower. BTDT to reduce negative camber a bit. That and my  
strut brace have mostly eliminated the 44 chassis negative camber  
problem. Of course, this will require a re-alignment. My DIY  
Alignment instructions are posted as a tech article on both AW and QW.

Having fun yet?


On Oct 31, 2010, at 9:48 AM, Kevin Kirwin wrote:

> any why...
> I'm getting a clunk in the front suspension... in the springs... at  
> low speeds when I turn the wheel.  This happens with the front end  
> jacked up too... seems to bind up and then free itself.
> On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 12:07 PM, Bernie Benz <b.benz at>  
> wrote:
> Wheel bearings or strut thrust bearings, and why? Why did you  
> remove the fender liners?
> Bernie
> On Oct 31, 2010, at 8:40 AM, Kevin Kirwin wrote:
> Hello all.
> I'm preparing to do the strut bearings on my 91' 200 20v avant.   
> I've read
> little technical info on doing the job... most of the info I find  
> talks
> about how much of a pain in the balls it is to do.  I'm looking for  
> some
> imput on a work sequence and what else to inspect and change out  
> while I'm
> in there.
> New bearings and dust boots are on order and the fender liners are
> removed... here we go.
> Thanks!
> -Kev
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