no start followup - old fuel, etc.
Ben Swann
benswann at
Sun Oct 31 17:58:56 PDT 2010
I'm presuming you have checked/cleaned grounds and have STRONG battery and good cranking
at this point. As I understand, your fuel is good - you can always try ether, but most
times, no fuel is also no spark on these engines.
Next thing I'd do is follow the Bentley procedure to see if hall signal is being
generated. The hall signal is needed to allow the flywheel sensor signals to be
registered - only then does the fuel pump relay activate along with ignition timing.
It appears that the FP relay is not activating, but try to verify - more complex tests
ther are, but while someone is cranking, see if the relay goes on and stays on or just
toggles for a second. The FP relay provides power to ignition, fuel injectors, as well
as the fuel pump.
Wiring connectivy tests and/or sensor tests with VOM may be next.
BTW, Common culprit - hall not in window can occur if distributor is not dead middle of
window and can happen when timing belt is off a tooth, or timing belt just plain sloppy.
[Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2010 15:18:07 -0400
From: "Jim" <jim at>
Subject: no start followup - old fuel,
To: <200q20v at>
Message-ID: <9726EE50109A44B2BDB6E23DD94B363A at JimLaptop2010HP>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
Those fuses are perfect and so is the contact area where they are inserted.
Ground on driver's side of the engine is ok, so is the one under the rear seat. The gas
is old but I use stabilizer in it and have gone as long as several years on old fuel
without a problem. I had a 1988 Toyota Celica All-Trac and the car did have reduced
power with old fuel, but the rough running would clean up with Lucas fuel treatment. So
I use Lucas fuel treatment in my Audi 200 TQ 20v. The engine doesn't even sound like it
wants to try to run rough, simply no combustion at all. Wouldn't the spark plugs be wet
with fuel that was too old to ignite if the old fuel was the cause of the no-start
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