any experience with this kit?

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Wed Sep 15 20:11:18 PDT 2010

Static Ride Height.

Not just a “nice idea”!  Rather, Critical Damping is not theory, it  
is a scientific definition of the single optimum damping for a first  
order resonant spring / mass system! Not related to and independent  
of SOP feelings, altitude nor latitude or longitude.  You are coming  
close to optimum with your “drive, adjust“ method. Keep it up!


On Sep 15, 2010, at 9:05 AM, Adam Gratz wrote:

> SRH? What is that?
> I describe "perfect damping loosely". The process of finding that
> setting to achieve what you describe is a nice idea. Of course, there
> is no meter on the Koni damping adjustment to quantify such a value,
> even if I had values for the spring rate and for the unsprung weight.
> So, I drive, adjust, drive, adjust. When I feel the rebound on a
> decent dip (no shortage of those here) at 45 mph or so, I shoot to
> just barely eliminate rebound overshoot. As I know from my doctoring
> job, physics and mechanics are 50 science and 50% art. Also, critical
> damping is theory. Even If I had the variables to determine and set
> such a value, and temp and elevation were constant (I can drive from
> the beach to the snowy top of Mauna Kea in under an hour) who is to
> say It would give the best ride for my combination of potholes, mud,
> sand and molten lava.
> doc-
> On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 4:34 AM, Bernie Benz <b.benz at>  
> wrote:
>> There is but one optimum rebound damping for a given spring rate and
>> unsprung weight combination, called Critical Damping, defined as that
>> damping which will return the suspension to the SRH at zero velocity,
>> without overshoot, in the shortest possible time. Totally  
>> unrelated to your
>> “Perfect Damping“ criteria.
>> Bernie
>> On Sep 14, 2010, at 7:39 PM, Adam Gratz wrote:
>>> Perfect is whatever you happen to like, but I find it to be the
>>> process of matching your spring rate to your dampening rate. That's
>>> why I like the external screw adjust Konis. I've run 5 different  
>>> sets,
>>> one on the Avant, one on a I5 synchro wagon (great car) and 3 on
>>> various Bimmers and not had a failure, but they were always the  
>>> sport
>>> valving. Perhaps the other models tire quickly. I've sent old pairs
>>> pulled from customer cars back for free replacement, a great  
>>> benefit,
>>> and I do love feel of the non-gas charged damping. Yes, I've cleaned
>>> and repacked strut tops, and lost a few bearings in the gravel.  
>>> Guess
>>> it's a cost vs hassle thing. I bought the 2Bennett coil over kit  
>>> about
>>> 6 years ago, overpriced but completely changed everything about the
>>> car. I now run 2" lifted for these crummy roads and it still handles
>>> 200% better than stock.
>>> doc-
>>> On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 4:16 PM, Bernie Benz <b.benz at>  
>>> wrote:
>>>> Well Doc, apparently we agree, at least in part. That the kit is  
>>>> a waste
>>>> of
>>>> money.
>>>> Disagreeing on your mandatory replacement of the strut top thrust
>>>> bearing,
>>>> it being totally rebuildable by cleaning and relube.
>>>> IMO, Konis are overpriced and of short life. Even when properly  
>>>> adjusted,
>>>> quickly wearing to become under damped in short order. What the  
>>>> hell is a
>>>> perfect ride adjustment? SOP, I guess!
>>>> Bernie
>>>> On Sep 14, 2010, at 4:01 PM, Adam Gratz wrote:
>>>>> In my experience, BlauParts has a really great handle on the 200
>>>>> specifics. I have had many perfect experiences with them.
>>>>> I HIGHLY recommend you replace the struts with Koni externally
>>>>> adjustable. Are your lower ball joints still good? Tie rod ends?
>>>>> In my experience, the only other items you need are the strut top
>>>>> bearings, which are sure to be wasted at this point. You can  
>>>>> skip all
>>>>> the other kit stuff. An after-market set of polyurathane front  
>>>>> sway
>>>>> bar bushings make a huge difference as well.  
>>>>> Coil over kits from 2bennett or GroudControl are really amazing  
>>>>> and
>>>>> really expensive. They 200 stock springs are pretty aggressive  
>>>>> as is,
>>>>> and with the Konis, you can dial them in to a perfect ride.
>>>>> Get the Koni's, top bearings and sway bar bushing if you are on a
>>>>> budget. You'll be happy and they last forever. Just don't set  
>>>>> them to
>>>>> full stiff, that's not a true setting point.
>>>>> My 2c,
>>>>> Doc-
>>>>> On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 9:00 AM,  <200q20v- 
>>>>> request at> wrote:
>>>>>> Send 200q20v mailing list submissions to
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>>>>>> Today's Topics:
>>>>>>  1. any experience with this kit? (feelstranger)
>>>>>>  2. Re: any experience with this kit? (rbade12 at
>>>>>>  3. Re: any experience with this kit? (Bernie Benz)
>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>>>>> -----
>>>>>> Message: 1
>>>>>> Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2010 15:07:40 -0400
>>>>>> From: "feelstranger" <feelstranger at>
>>>>>> Subject: any experience with this kit?
>>>>>> To: <200q20v at>
>>>>>> Message-ID: <BAY152-ds173BAE4DA195E01EF9E25DCF730 at phx.gbl>
>>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"
>>>>>> Folks, any experience or thoughts on this suspension kit from
>>>>>> Blauparts?
>>>>>> Nat
>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>> Message: 2
>>>>>> Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2010 18:01:11 -0400 (EDT)
>>>>>> From: rbade12 at
>>>>>> Subject: Re: any experience with this kit?
>>>>>> To: feelstranger at, 200q20v at
>>>>>> Message-ID: <8CD1E81A5C314FE-764-233C at webmail- 
>>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>>>>>>  No experience with the kit, but, I did try to purchase  
>>>>>> suspension
>>>>>> goodies from them previously and they didn't seem to  
>>>>>> understand the
>>>>>> difference between a 20v an 10v parts, most are  
>>>>>> interchangeable some,
>>>>>> ex.
>>>>>> upper strut bearing, are not. So, just make sure they get it, it
>>>>>> appears
>>>>>> they do based on the written description, but.....
>>>>>> Bob
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: feelstranger <feelstranger at>
>>>>>> To: 200q20v <200q20v at>
>>>>>> Sent: Thu, Sep 9, 2010 2:11 pm
>>>>>> Subject: any experience with this kit?
>>>>>> Folks, any experience or thoughts on this suspension kit from
>>>>>> Blauparts?
>>>>>> Nat
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> 200q20v mailing list
>>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>>> Message: 3
>>>>>> Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2010 16:08:47 -0700
>>>>>> From: Bernie Benz <b.benz at>
>>>>>> Subject: Re: any experience with this kit?
>>>>>> To: feelstranger <feelstranger at>
>>>>>> Cc: 200q20V mailing list <200q20v at>
>>>>>> Message-ID: <2FA7B2F4-BE3E-4C8F-92F6-480339169AB2 at>
>>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=WINDOWS-1252; delsp=yes;
>>>>>>      format=flowed
>>>>>> I would not buy a kit, inasmuch as many parts will be  
>>>>>> unnecessary.
>>>>>> Buy individually those parts needing replacement. The thrust  
>>>>>> bearings
>>>>>> are rebuildable. What?s the story on your shocks?
>>>>>> Bernie
>>>>>> On Sep 9, 2010, at 12:07 PM, feelstranger wrote:
>>>>>>> Folks, any experience or thoughts on this suspension kit from
>>>>>>> Blauparts?
>>>>>>> Nat
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>>>>>> End of 200q20v Digest, Vol 83, Issue 7
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