hard start issue+ need steering rack

PeterBergin at aol.com PeterBergin at aol.com
Tue Apr 5 06:34:00 PDT 2011

I got lucky, and I mean lucky!  bought junk silver coins for $6 and  gold 
coins 280 back around 1998.
Cashed in a few to at 34 to pay for my 02 S6.  (might need to cash in  a 
few more to fix a few things on my 91 Avant before I sell it).
91 Avant
S6 Avant
In a message dated 4/5/2011 4:34:35 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
auditony at gmail.com writes:

Robby,  could you trim the end of your posts?

Also, the rack rebuilder that is  well known is Jorgen.

Oh, and I'm with you on the gold thing, I bought  silver instead. But, I
drive a 25 year old Audi with rust holes and non  working A/C while living 
Houston!! So, I don't know just how smart I am  as well.....................
On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 9:51 AM,  robert weinberg 
<centaurus3200 at yahoo.com>wrote:

> same could  be said for real estate. investments are all about timing.
> if  you bought a house in 1998 and sold it in 2007, you would feel like a
>  genius.
> but if you tried to sell now, you wouldn't feel so smart  ;-)
> gold peaked in 1980 - then went down, it didn't match the  1980 price 
> until
> 2006. and that was irrespective of  inflation.
> gold may hit 2,000/oz. (which is really just it's  inflation adjusted 1980
> peak).
> but given the .com bomb and the  RE bubble (both of which i was suckered
> into), i
> can spot at  least spot a bubble now. and gold has gone up in value WAY 
>  fast
> since 2006 to not be a questionable  investment.
> but what do i know... i drive a 20 year  old audi with a leaky steering 
> and
> peeling lago paint  ;-)
> shayne - what's the name of the rack rebuilding place that  you trust?
> see ya,
>  Robby
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