
PeterBergin at PeterBergin at
Sat Jan 8 08:21:29 PST 2011

Are there any check valves in the system that can fail and dump a bunch of  
fluid. I think I had something like this a year ago where I had a puddle  
under the car after I started it up and backed up.  Stuff under the hood  was 
dry, filled it up and has been fine since.  Just heading to Napa to get  
some fluid.
Thanks, Pete
In a message dated 1/8/2011 9:37:32 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
ekellock at writes:

My local  Napa carries Pentosin as does another local import parts store.   
have a pail of Chevron Rykon 32 that I use.  If you can find 16,  that's a
closer match to the viscosity of Pentosin.  The 32 causes the  steering to
feel a bit stiff for the first few minutes of driving when  outside temps 
good and cold.  I also use Mobil 1 Synthetic  Automatic Transmission Fluid.
I've used it in 4 V8's and my 200q20v Avant,  with no negative issues.


-----Original  Message-----
From: 200q20v-bounces at  [mailto:200q20v-bounces at] On
Behalf Of  PeterBergin at
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 10:07 PM
To:  200q20v at
Subject: Pentosin

More Audi  problems!

My 200 sat in the cold for a few days, nothing new.   Started it up to  
it up before going out to dinner.   Started to drive, noticed the power  
steering was a bit week for a  few seconds, than worked fine.  Drove a few  
blocks and lost  power steering and power brakes, (thought I herd a brief
behind the dash).  Drove back home, opened the hood no pentosin in  the  
reservoir.  Checked and was full when filled with gas 100  miles ago.

I park out side, no puddle, rack and pump/hoses looked  dry.   Added my 
spare liter of Pentosin, with car running, did  not have another  can.  Can
see any in the  reservoir.  drove around the  block, power steering cam 
quickly and power brakes after a few  stops and pumps.  Opened  the hood 
saw no obvious leeks, did  no crawl under the car, dark  and cold outside, 
will do that tomorrow.

Two questions, is Pentosin  G00200Red stocked by any local auto parts  
stores, (always bought on  line in the past) , is there another brand that

Second, if I  fill it up and no leeks, WTF happened?

Thanks,  Pete
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