winter fuel consumption

Huw Powell audi at
Wed Jan 26 06:44:02 PST 2011

Also, in the winter, we are consuming more fuel to make electricity - 
more driving with lights on, heater fan on high (which might cool the 
engine a bit rather than be "waste heat"), more use of wipers, 
defrosters, heated seats.

But I think the MBTE is the biggest culprit.

On 1/25/2011 10:45 PM, Robert Myers wrote:
> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*
> Part of the problem is that winter fuels are a different composition
> than summer fuels.  In winter methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) is
> blended into the fuel to cause the burn to be "cleaner".  MTBE also
> lowers the energy content per unit of fuel.  This will reduce your
> mileage significantly.  Is this the entire cause of your problem?  I
> have no idea but it is certainly part of it.
> Bob
> At 09:50 PM 1/25/2011, 200q 20v wrote:
>> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*
>> Every winter my 200 becomes a gas guzzler. With the coldest winter on
>> my ownership on record (global warming?) it has been the worst. It is
>> approaching consumption of a 4.2 V8  in city driving. There is no loss
>> of power, fuel smell, unusual exhaust, etc. VAG-COM data appears to be
>> withing recommended limits.
>> The only observation is that when engine is cold simultaneous clutch
>> disengagement/gas release while driving with no acceleration (2nd or
>> 3rd gear) on a horizontal road results in noticeable RPM increase for
>> a fraction of a second. If accelerating it is even more noticeable.
>> Has anyone seen/solved anything like this?
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Huw Powell

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