pentosin antifreeze new bottle

Ed Kellock ed.kellock at
Sat Jan 29 17:53:25 PST 2011

Went to BapGeon this afternoon to buy some Pentosin "longtime antifreeze"
that has always been in the tall round 1/5 litre bottle.  These have
typically been 12-15 dollars depending on whether I'm getting them from
AutohausAZ or BapGeon.  
The new bottle is a totally different shape, is still 1/5 litres, is
described as NF for nitrate free and has a similar description stated as the
old bottle.  The new bottle states some sort of specification number, kind
of like oil ratings, etc.  I could not find this on the old bottle.  Maybe
that was part of the reason for the package change.  
I guess the only thing that really raised my suspicion is that the new price
for 1.5 litres is under 10 bux.  It's got basically the same color and the
shop posted a flyer from the mfr that discussed the packaging change and
showed a pic of the old bottle and the new bottle, etc. to reassure/inform
the buyer.
I bought two but haven't used any yet.  Just thought I'd bring it up and see
if anybody has any input about it.

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