UFO brake conversion

PeterBergin at aol.com PeterBergin at aol.com
Sun May 15 18:58:11 PDT 2011

I have had G-60 on both old Audi's.  They work fine as a daily  driver.  My 
friend had UFO's on his, there is better stopping power.   His used to warp 
all the time.  A couple of high sped hard stops always  straightned them 
Unless you can find a cheep front suspension (mine is out of a V8 (done by  
Audi) before I bought the car, I would fix what you got.
My 2 cents.
91 200 Avant (for sale)
02 S6
Other cars not worthy of mentioning on this list!
In a message dated 5/15/2011 7:18:19 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
quikqtr at yahoo.com writes:

In  regards to the comments of the G60 brakes fading by others...
Late April I  had my 200 20V @ HPR (High Plains Raceway) in Colorado for 
the day shod with  Race Slicks, G60 Conversion up front, Stainless Steel Brake 
lines, Prospeed  RS683 Brake Fluid, Chipped ECM & many of the sessions with 
3-4 people in  the (Clown Car as spectators referred to it as) car & all 
sessions run  hard as possible...
All without experience of any Brake Fade  whatsoever...

Later, Randy

Sent from my HTC EVO 4G I got from  www.randymueller.acnrep.com

----- Reply message -----
From:  "christopher locke" <c.locke at snet.net>
Date: Sat, May 14, 2011 3:51  pm
Subject: UFO brake conversion
To:  <200q20v at audifans.com>

Hi gang,
I have two '91 200tq20v's and  need to do front brakes.  the UFO's have 
had it, and I need a  conversion that won't break the bank.  I don't race, 
they're just  daily drivers.  What is a nice conversion that doesn't cost 
I'm sure I may get a flurry of answers, but that's ok.  I have no  problem 
converting to a style of brake that's available on other cars -  i.e. using 
parts to do the conversion and being able to get new  rotors and pads....  
I read 
an article online about someone having to  turn down the hub on a lathe 
(which I 
can do, i have a lathe) so a  particular rotor would fit, and some caliper 
had 2 
of the 3 bolt holes  line up, that sounds like it could work, but i'll be 
I can't find  that article anywhere.  

What do you all  think?

'91 2C20VTQW
'91  2C20VTQ
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