Straw Poll: How Dependable is Your 200q20v?

chris gregg loxxrider at
Wed Oct 12 06:50:16 PDT 2011

Mine has NEVER left me stranded. I had an ac comp belt come apart and take the alt belt with me, but the big ole' battery got me home 30 miles away. Also had the throttle cam break on me, but I zip-tied it back together and got home (and actually drove another 10k or so with it like that lol). That is honestly all I can think of. The key is preventative maintenance. One time I found the timing belt very close to breaking and just tore it down and replaced immediately. I got lucky on that one. These cars will be very dependable if you keep an eye on things and replace the things that need replacing. 

Mine has always had a weeping hg and leaky ps rack and always got me home safely. The only reason I haven't been driving it lately is because I pulled the engine and trans for some work (fixed the leaky hg and put new ps rack in) as well as some custom intake manifold, exhaust manifold, and huge(r) turbo additions :)I absolutely can't wait to get back in that car as soon as all of the fab work is done. I may be crazy though as my current dd is a 348k 1994 BMW 530i 

-Chris Gregg

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matt Suffern" <msuffern at>
To: <200q20v at>
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 3:24 PM
Subject: Straw Poll: How Dependable is Your 200q20v?

> Let's get a show of hands here.
> 1. How many times has your 200q20v left you stranded?
> 2. How many times have you had to use an alternate car because your
> 200q20v was laid up for repairs?
> It's understood lots of stuff breaks, and parts can be expensive, but
> I guess what I'm trying to gauge is DEPENDABILITY, i.e. the degree to
> which we can rely on the cars getting us to work in the morning and
> home in the evening even if bits are dangling off and fluids are
> gushing out.
> Thanks,
> Matt

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