PS high pressure hose

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Sat Jul 21 14:43:59 PDT 2012

Hi Bob,
If you have successfully brazed water pipe you‘re in fat city!
Your  silver/nickel with flux coating should work just fine with your  MAPP/oxy torch set-up.
I normally use aceylene/air for the small stuff, only because I have the torch.

Regards, Bernie


On Jul 21, 2012, at 1:58 PM, Robert Bade wrote:

> Hello Bernie,
>  The pieces are on the way and I'm researching "silver soldering". I learned that means "hard soldering" not necessarily using silver. I'm a bit puzzled by my options, figuring out which solder to use, which flux, propane torch or MAPP/oxy or oxy/acetylene. 
>  I have a MAPP/oxy torch set-up [and plain propane]. I have a couple sticks of silver/nickel with flux coating and other rolls of solder. I think I need a hotter paste flux than plain soldering flux. What solder, flux, heat source, etc did you use? I have brazed water pipes, so this process isn't completely new to me. I'm just concerned about using the correct ingredients.
> Thanks Bernie!      Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bernie Benz <b.benz at>
> To: Robert Bade <rbade12 at>
> Sent: Mon, Jul 16, 2012 5:35 pm
> Subject: Re: PS high pressure hose
> Me caustic? I’m just an old teddy bear!
> Really a very simple job, if you or a friend has a torch for silver soldering or brazing. 
> mine has been going strong for 15 years or some such time. Let me know how it works out.
> Regards, Bernie
> On Jul 16, 2012, at 1:58 PM, Robert Bade wrote:
>> Hey Bernie,
>> I've tried, in the Milwaukee area, to get a hydraulic repair place to rebuild this hose. To my surprise most act as if I'm speaking Hmong. A couple were helpful leading me to another dead end. So, I'm on my own....well not really, if it weren't for you I'd be kinda screwed! Suddenly the light went on, I get what you're talking about. I've ordered the parts [$40] and I'll do this myself, dammit.
>> Thank you Bernie! While you can be a bit caustic [although lately there is so little traffic, I read little from you, and I miss it] you are a HUGE help to so many of us. This post from so long ago is going to keep my car on the road, thanks!
>> Bob Bade
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Bernie Benz <b.benz at>
>> To: Robert Bade <rbade12 at>
>> Cc: 200q20V mailing list <200q20v at>
>> Sent: Fri, Jul 13, 2012 5:51 pm
>> Subject: Re: PS high pressure hose
>> Hi Bob,
>> I recently upgraded my Mac OSX from 10.4 to 10.6 and in doing so have 
>> (temporarily I hope) lost my old archived emails. But you’ve given me enough of 
>> my original posting that I can figure it out and clarify for you.
>> >>>>> The specific hose end style is called "Lifesaver", AE part 190000-“size“, 
>> and it has a weld socket into which the Audi hose end tube is silver soldered, 
>> brazed or welded.
>> So the subscript numbers define the steel tubing “size”.
>> >>>>> BTDT on my 200-20V using one each #190000-5-6S and one #19000-6S (the Audi 
>> tubing was a different size on each end) and 25" of AE FC300-06RL hose.
>> You need two new but different fittings only, new hose, and your old steel 
>> tubing hose ends.
>> Regards, Bernie
>> Gardnerville, NV
>> '90 90Q-20V175K grandson’s now
>> '91 200Q-20V 238K
>> ‘02 A6 2.7TQ 6spdMT 155K
>> '88 Ford QuatroTractor
>> Other Misc. Toys
>> On Jul 13, 2012, at 2:49 PM, Robert Bade wrote:
>> > 
>> > 
>> > I've saved this for some time, waiting for the day I needed it, that day has 
>> come. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > am a bit puzzled though Bernie. You say "one each 19000-5-6S", is 19000-5-6S 
>> one part, or is it 19000-5S and 19000-6S? You do say one -6S 
>> > 
>> > I am a bit puzzled though Bernie. You say "one each 19000-5-6S", is 19000-5-6S 
>> one part, or is it 19000-5S and 19000-6S? You do say one -6S 
>> > so that leads me to believe they are separate. Next, I need one each of the 
>> first part and one of the second, that adds up to 3, wouldn't I need 4 total 
>> parts, 2 for terminating the hose and 2 to mate with the OE steel fittings? I've 
>> looked online at Aeroquip and that really just confused me more. I appreciate 
>> you taking the time to write these directions and I hope you can help me see 
>> what I'm missing! 
>> > 
>> > Thanks, Bob
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> >>>>> The cheaper alternative is to buy Aeroquip reuseable hose end  >>>> 
>> fittings and>>>> the correct length of hose to fit and make your own, using the  
>> >>>> Audi hose end>>>> tubing from the old hose.  The specific hose end style is 
>> called>>>> "Lifesaver", AE part 190000-size, and it has a weld socket into  >>>> 
>> which the>>>> Audi hose end tube is silver soldered, brazed or welded.  The  
>> >>>> Audi hose end>>>> is cut off just above the hose crimp and the full metal 
>> tubing  >>>> ends are thus>>>> attached to the reuseable fittings and then the 
>> hose is attached  >>>> to the>>>> fittings.  BTDT on my 200-20V using one each 
>> #190000-5-6S and  >>>> one -6S (the>>>> Audi tubing was a different size on each 
>> end) and 25" of AE  >>>> FC300-06RL hose.>>>> Total cost $23.30
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