CC head diagnostic only shows 12.0 volts

Pete Bergin peterbergin at
Fri Nov 2 10:36:47 PDT 2012

Rethinking all of this, if it has been much over 120k on your regulator/brushes they could be getting a bit week.

-----Original Message-----
From: PeterBergin <PeterBergin at>
To: ed.kellock <ed.kellock at>; 200q20v <200q20v at>
Sent: Fri, Nov 2, 2012 6:45 am
Subject: Re: CC head diagnostic only shows 12.0 volts

I suppose you could study the wiring section in the Bentley and see where  
the feed for the measurement comes from and start taking reading upstream 
until  you find a connection that might be a bit week or get a use AC head, 
plug it in  and see if you get a different reading.
Don't worry soon something more important on the car will need attention  
and keep you busy!
In a message dated 11/1/2012 10:11:27 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
ed.kellock at writes:

I agree with your  point, to a point... I wouldn't be quite as fixated on 
this if it hadn't just  occurrred.  And the fact that the reading is static 
at 12.0.  I know  and have known for some time that the reading won't be 
accurate and correct,  but it has always been relevant, i.e. a useful indicator 
of system status,  readily available, without stopping or getting out of the 

-----Original Message-----
From: PeterBergin at  [mailto:PeterBergin at] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 7:04  PM
To: ed.kellock at; 200q20v at
Subject:  Re: CC head diagnostic only shows 12.0 volts

My old Avant was always 13.5-13.8 at the jump post and similar at the  
battery post (eliminate the possibility of a splice problem).  The AC  head 
channel 11 was always ~11.8-12.5 and fluctuated allot depending on the  load 
ware as the dash gauge was more constant.  Never changed much over  10 years 
and 240k miles.  Several brush/reg packs replaced and a re-man  Bosch alt.  I 
would not worry about it.  My old 5000 was the  same.
Save your worries for the bigger $$ stuff!
91 Avant sold to Drew and brought back to life!
02 S6  Great car same game!
In a message dated 11/1/2012 12:07:23 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
ed.kellock at writes:

And I have  13.6 at the jump start post and the dash gauge reflects that  as

91 200q20v Avant with 248k.
Threw the alt belt two  days ago.
I punched up the volt reading on the cc head and it was still  over 13 volts
when I got home and shut it down.
I installed a new belt  yesterday and the IC gauge is fine, but channel 11
only shows 12.0 and it  doesn't change.
I googled for an hour last night and couldn't find any  info.  I know I've
seen it mentioned in the past at some  point.
I'm going to dive into the manuals now.
Just a quick post in  case anyone's got a quick  answer.


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