200q20v Digest, Vol 136, Issue 2

Jay Kempf jkempf at madriver.com
Mon Jul 13 12:01:30 PDT 2015

Sounds like an internal booster leak to me. When the orings and seals 
bypass internally the hydraulic pressure will be put on when you don't 
want or need it. I have had vacuum boosters do that but never the 
hydraulic one myself but that is the symptom. Car heats up or just time 
and the pressure leak slowly starts putting the brakes on. Not normally 
enough for a lockup but enough to notice the drag at highway speeds and 
of course when you are standing still on an incline and release the 
brakes and the car doesn't release.

The way to check if it is one wheel or all is to catch it doing it and 
immediately start jacking corners or lift the whole car quickly and see 
if all are sticky or just one. If it is a single wheel normally heat and 
smell will tell you which corner.


front brakes stuck on. It does sound like the mc. Keep cold on hand to 
pour on the mc to see if it frees up the brake. Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 13, 2015, at 12:01 AM, ybk at dongames.net wrote:
>> After driving for about 20 minutes on a freeway brakes start to drag. The brake pedal play diminishes to virtually zero. It is not a hard lock up but pretty noticeable. Fortunately both times it happens very close to the end of the tip. After several hours it is all back to normal. All of this started after replacing rear calipers and changing brake fluid.
>> Is this a master cylinder acting up or something else?
>> Eugene.
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