[A4] Fumes question

Philip S Massam p_massam at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 3 11:10:05 EST 2004

Good call.  No it happens when I'm stopped and there's no one else around.  I thought about checking the PCV and breather valves.  Just wondered if anyone else had had a similar experience.

I remember this happened under the warranty period and they did change a breather valve.  Time to look again I guess.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: michael pagano 
  To: Philip S Massam ; a4 at audifans.com 
  Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2004 5:56 AM
  Subject: Re: [A4] Fumes question

  First, are you behind someone? The circulation system draws in outside air. You may have a seeping valve cover gasket or some other minor oil leak that is finding its way to a hot engine component like the exhaust manifold or header. Either way, a good visual inspection should solve the mystery.


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