[A4] brakes?

gt40 gt40 at mail.ev1.net
Mon Oct 25 13:58:06 EDT 2004

-- Robert

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Joel Landsverk" <jlandsverk at jjkeller.com>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 12:11:23 -0500

>I finally need new brake pads on my '99 A4 1.8.
>Any tips on the removal of the calipers?  I took a quick look
>yesterday and the only thing I wasn't sure about was getting
>that large spring clip off.

If I remember correctly, the calipers ride on removable pins 
(which need an Allen wrench or a Torx wrench to remove.

The anti-rattle spring is easily removed with a pair of needle-
nose pliars.

>Also, any tips on types of pads?  I made 95k on the original
>set, so I don't have any complaints about them.

Then just grab another pair from the dealership.  I've been tolkd 
those are made by Pagid, but I haven't bothered to verify this.

If you want a little more agressive pad, look at EBC Green pads.  
I use these pads for light track use and they hold up fairly well 
and are still a good street pad (read: the work as well as a 
street pad when dead-cold.  This is not true for most race pads.)

-- Robert King 

Sent via the EV1 webmail system at mail.ev1.net


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