[A4] New car considerations

Aaron Azevedo Aaron.Azevedo at saucony.com
Wed Aug 31 15:55:10 EDT 2005

I'm in the same boat too.   I've got a '00 A4 avant with 99k on it.  Bad
thing is that I'm getting 20 mpg. and my commute is going to 45 miles
one way.  
Here's my dilemma - I want better gas mileage, want AWD, and don't want
to drive Japanese.   And I'm pissed at Audi for the A3, as it is smaller
than an A4 and more expensive than the A4 used to be.  To me is such an
obvious scam to raise the price of the A4.
I think I may end up with a CPO allroad, or S4 - used of course, as
audis just don't maintain their value.  The other end of the spectrum
has me driving my A4 into the ground and keeping my money.
'00 A4 Avant 5sp, sport pkg - 99k
'95 993 6sp, sport pkg - 62k

>>> <ericnmn at aol.com> 8/31/2005 3:41:09 PM >>>
I'm in the same boat - have a '96 A4 with 150k. I have two kids now and
need a bit more room, but the trunk looks smaller. I'm thinking about
the avant, but need to convince my wife. I'd be dropping two cylinders,
but adding 28 hp, which might be more than an even trade. I did some
research and found that 17" tires are fairly reasonable now. I think a
lot of the 17" size on the 06 A4 costs the same as the 205-55/16's on my

For those of you who have driven the 4 cyl turbo and the V6, how do
they compare vibration-wise? (low revs and high) 

How useful is the Avant storage (whatever that area is called?) versus
the sedan?

Eric Schumacher
'86 4kcsq (deceased)
'96 A4 V6q

Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 21:59:42 -0600
From: "Glenn Ackerson" < gsackerson at comcast.net >
Subject: [A4] New car considerations
To: < a4 at audifans.com >
Message-ID: < 20050831035943.524BB702602 at audifans.com >
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi folks,
It's time for me to put the current A4 on the market and look at a new
one. And, concerning that purchase, I'd be interested in your feedback
two options I'm considering:

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