[A4] tire thread

Brian O'Connell boconnell at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 4 18:38:55 EST 2005

You know, I thought I approached this in a logical
manner, i.e. these are what I've narrowed my search
down to, can anyone help...  I tried not to ask for a
general recommendation since there are so many options
out there.  But in spite of this, I still appreciated
the Falken recommendation since it is not a typical
tire that one might consider (perhaps because it isn't
offered by the Tire Rack, nor is it listed on the
local Discount Tire website?).

BTW, I'm suprised by the lack of response to my
options - most replies referred to tires that I did
not propose.  I suppose the BF Goodrich are a new
model, as well, perhaps, as the Pirellis.  Go


--- Brizax at aol.com wrote:

> why dont we start a oil thread to go along with the
> tire debate :)  then 
> maybe a what kind of wax do you use thread :)  hehe

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