[A4] tire thread

Rocky Mullin caliban at sharon.net
Fri Feb 4 18:57:35 EST 2005

	it's a little hard to ask about specific tires for cars,
as it can take a long time to go through your first set.  took me
four years to go through my stock set.  so i only have experience
with two non-snow tires so far :)

At 3:38 PM -0800 2/4/05, Brian O'Connell wrote:
>You know, I thought I approached this in a logical
>manner, i.e. these are what I've narrowed my search
>down to, can anyone help...  I tried not to ask for a
>general recommendation since there are so many options
>out there.  But in spite of this, I still appreciated
>the Falken recommendation since it is not a typical
>tire that one might consider (perhaps because it isn't
>offered by the Tire Rack, nor is it listed on the
>local Discount Tire website?).
>BTW, I'm suprised by the lack of response to my
>options - most replies referred to tires that I did
>not propose.  I suppose the BF Goodrich are a new
>model, as well, perhaps, as the Pirellis.  Go
>--- Brizax at aol.com wrote:
>>  why dont we start a oil thread to go along with the
>>  tire debate :)  then
>>  maybe a what kind of wax do you use thread :)  hehe
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  Rocky Mullin 

  "Evil kills those who perpetrate it, and the pastures of inequity
   are harmful"  - Osama Bin Laden


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