[A4] Uphill troubles

Adam Morley adam-a4 at gmi.com
Thu Jul 14 19:48:17 EDT 2005

I agree with the other four.  I just went through this.  I had known my 
clutch was going for a while.  I knew it was bad when I could get the 
car to go from stopped to moving w/o pushing the gas.

Mine didn't slip going uphill though.  In fact, it never slipped.  If I
were you, I'd get a new clutch pronto.  And don't romp on the clutch
when you get it, apparently they have a break in period.  Or at least
AWE-tuning's clutches do, as I found out when I talked to them.

toodles & good luck,

On Thu, Jul 14, 2005 at 07:20:16PM -0400, Pbadore at aol.com wrote:
> Yes, the clutch is slipping under load. Eventually, you will be able engage 
> the clutch
> without the car moving or moving very little.
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