[A4] Uphill troubles

Rocky Mullin caliban at sharon.net
Thu Jul 14 21:31:07 EDT 2005

	on the topic, a question for all you clutched people -

	where in the clutches throw does your engine start to
engage?  mine did it at the last third of the throw.  that seemed
to me to be a sign of a worn clutch, so when i wrecked the car
i had them replace a clutch since labor would be a pitance as
the engine was already in bits.  the new clutch feels identical.

	1: they only said they did the clutch and charged for the part
	2: i'm an idiot and didn't consult other A4 cars to see how
	   their clutches felt.


At 7:20 PM -0400 7/14/05, Pbadore at aol.com wrote:
>Yes, the clutch is slipping under load. Eventually, you will be able engage
>the clutch
>without the car moving or moving very little.
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  Rocky Mullin 


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