[A4] new / used a4

thejimrose thejimrose at gmail.com
Fri Jul 7 13:56:46 EDT 2006

yeah ive been looking at 6spd allroads too. paint the fenders + bumpers and
lose the stupid lowrider suspension and you have a budget s6 clone.

whered you find the allroad? how is it on gas?

On 7/7/06, Brian J White <brian at bjwhite.net> wrote:
> Yeah..he got a tiptronic.  He certainly didn't know any better. <grin>
> I paid $21000 for my 1998 BMW 540i 6-speed in March of 05.   Had
> 54000 miles on it and was beautiful, complete, and a local car
> always.   The original window sticker on the car was $57000.     For
> my purposes, it has been like a brand new $57k car for the price of a
> new WhatDaYaCallItEconomyCar.
> I paid $24500 for my 2001 Allroad 2.7T 6-speed (w/3rd row seat,
> rare).  Also had 54000 miles on it and was beautiful and
> complete.   Atlas grey 6-speeds with 3rd row seat is a pretty rare
> car, so I was lucky enough to find it.   But compare that to the $58k
> sticker price. (IIRC anyway...)
> At 09:50 2006-07-07, thejimrose wrote:
> >i have to say i totally agree that leasing is akin to setting your cash
> on
> >fire. i also HATE spending $$ on cars. it's SUCH  a massive disinvestment
> [i
> >prefer booze, women, and carbon fiber motorcycle parts.. =]
> >
> >ive always had great luck buying cheap cars, well maintained, with around
> >100k and dealing with the occasional hassle of repairs. im also a
> mod-nut,
> >so that works out well. if you can afford to lose $20k over the course
> >of 3-4 years on a car, go for it.
> >
> >i bought my 98 a4 for 7grand with 100k about 1.5 yrs ago. it's been
> >fantastic. i always get the 'ooooh, fancy car' bit from people [not that
> i
> >care - they dont have to crawl around under it]. it broke down thje first
> >week i had it [the common downpipe split] and has been awesome since. i
> put
> >a ton of miles on my cars too  and i live and work in SF - either bus or
> >moto to work.
> >
> >all that said the new a4 is superpimp. a good buddy of mine who doesnt
> know
> >any better just got a new 07 a4 3.2 tip, nav, loaded for 43 grand. OUCH.
> >
> >can you say "used m5" ?
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